Every donation helps

The association works strictly on a voluntary basis, there are no administrative or personnel costs. Every donation goes directly to the children in Yemen. Donations are fully tax deductible (For persons taxed in Germany for other countries, please inform yourself ), a donation receipt is issued.

Bank account details

Kinder Jemens in Not e. V.
Deutsche Skatbank
DE34 8306 5408 0004 0007 81

Simplified proof of donation without a donation receipt (in Germany)

Up to a donation amount of 200 euros (Section 50 Paragraph 2 No. 2 Letter b EStDV) per individual donation, a “simplified donation certificate” is sufficient for the tax authorities:

Instead of a donation receipt according to the official model, a cash deposit receipt or the booking confirmation from the bank (or printout for online banking) as well as the attached receipt from the association are sufficient

click here for donations information  :  Vereinfachter Spendennachweis ohne Spendenquittung_Spende 

click here for membership information Vereinfachter Spendennachweis ohne Spendenquittung_Mitgliedsbeitrag

You can also donate by shopping using the links below

With these links you can choose for which organization (children of Yemen in need) a certain amount of the amount will be donated by the dealer. With every purchase you can send us a small donation that doesn’t even cost you anything:


Become a member

As a member, you can also support the work of the association. The membership fee is 30.- Euro per year.